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Carti despre fotografie si arte vizuale

Aici veti gasi o lista cu carti despre fotografie, care mai de care mai interesante si care merita citite de fotografii mai seriosi cat si cei mai neseriosi.

Still Life and Special Effects Photography: Roger Hicks si Frances Schultz

Photography’s Multiple Roles: Eugenia Parry, Naomi Rosenblum, Franz Schule

Introducere in Fotografie: Matei Bejenaru

The Photographer’s Eye: Michael Freeman

Performance Art: Roselee Goldberg

Towards a Philosophy of Photography: Vilem Flusser

Photography and the body: John Pullz

Culoarea in arta: Liviu Lazarescu

The Nature of Photographs: Stephen Shore

The History of Photography: From 1839 to the Present: From 1839 to the Present Day: Beaumont Newhall

Photography: A Cultural History: Mary Warner Marien

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